“The afternoon knows 

what the morning never suspects.”

Robert Frost


Tips for Treatments: Prepare & Strategize

  • Your Loved One Has Cancer . . . How Can You Help?

    Lots of things in life “take a village.” Although originally a Nigerian proverb about children, it can certainly apply to cancer treatment as well, the difference being with cancer, the village is often stunned, confused, hurting, and even angry. Today I write for those of you who are going through cancer with your loved ones,…

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  • Chemo Tips #1: Empowered & Prepared

    Chemo is intimidating, but, with smart preparation and determination to win the battle, you can walk into your first day ready to give it everything you’ve got. You can do this! I’ve been through it and offer here some tips that worked for me, but keep in mind that your journey is yours to create…

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  • Chemo Tips #2: First Infusion

    When starting chemo, you may be tired already for lack of sleep, because, let’s be honest, chemo is scary. But I encourage you to feel good about conquering your fears. Let hope guide you in the days ahead and know that chemotherapy is a potent and efficient weapon against cancer. In my first set of…

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  • Chemo Tips #3: Blaze a Trail

    Here is a blog I wrote on the third day after my first chemo in 2019: Discovery! After consulting all my research, my clinic, and googling online like a madwoman, I found out something I never expected. NOBODY KNOWS WHAT “NORMAL” IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE DURING AND AFTER CHEMO. Seriously. Nobody knows. There is…

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  • A Person Pressing A Button On A Computer Keyboard With The Words "Worth It".

    Chemo Tips #4: Short & Practical

    Chemo is complex. It just is. For starters, consider the infusion process itself–how detailed and intentional every step is. My clinic was meticulous, as I’m sure yours is, too. The whole process reflects a multitude of studies and data, and well it should, right? That said, it’s up to us patients to simplify as much…

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  • A Bald Man Deep in Thought, Hand Resting On His Face.

    Chemo Tips #5: Heart Matters

    Cancer is emotional beyond description. It is not merely a physical journey. Your heart matters, and the matters of your heart affect your process and your outcome.

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  • Woman Holding a White T-shirt

    First Radiation Day

    At first, when I agreed to radiation, I didn’t give it much thought, and then I searched the internet and woke up to reality. Radiation is a great ally for beating cancer, but it is also a formidable process. Since then, I’ve been through it twice. What follows here, I hope, will help you get…

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  • Person’s Hands Gripping a Rocky Surface

    Tips for Radiation Therapy

    The mountain climbing image I chose for this blog says it all. That’s how I felt starting radiation only four weeks after a double mastectomy that followed five months of chemo. I remember well how slowly time passed. But here I am two years later writing for you, and, as I often say and write,…

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  • Survivor Power

    Survival Power

    When our cancer treatment is all said and done, we all need to believe, with no doubts or regrets, that we fought an intelligent and powerful battle. Cancer arrogantly barged into our lives and temporarily shattered our hearts, plunging us and our families into months-on-end of chaos. But, like a rotating kaleidoscope, all that disruption…

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